Showing posts with label Mobile phone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mobile phone. Show all posts



Today we got new cell phones. We are told that they will work pretty much anywhere we find a Wi-Fi connection. They say that we don’t even have to change the SIM card once we get to Germany since Metro PCS uses T-Mobil/Telecom towers and that is a German provider. I can’t wait to see if they are right. We chose Metro PCS because there are no contracts and you can stop the service any time you like. To all the techies out there – do you have any experience with international connections without adding an international plan or new SIM card? The phones we got are LG optimus F6, 4G.

It will be interesting to find out. I told the staff I would call them and let them know if it really works.

For the rest of the day I went shopping with my daughter while Tom made Banana Bread at home. It is so nice and soft, and juicy.
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