Showing posts with label Tansatlantic Crossing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tansatlantic Crossing. Show all posts



Last night as by far the worst in regards of high winds and waves! It was so bad that for the formal event I took my heels off and walked barefoot. Heels and waves in combination with a damaged ankle don’t go along well. It is really funny when you watch people walk. Tom enhanced it a bit by increasing the motion and flung himself from side to side and went down to his knees and then stretched to tip-toes as gravity dictated it. I was behind him in the hallway laughing so hard I had tears in my eyes.
My sleep pattern is completely messed up. They steel an hour a day, but our meal times are still the same. So we eat dinner at 8:30 pm but, by now on our time, it would be already 1:30 am. By the time I get tired it is around 3:00 am and I don’t wake up until noon. Tomorrow morning I will get up with the alarm again to train my body for the new time zone. Tom doesn’t seem to be effected by the time changes at all.
After dinner last night we poked into the ball room for the Ascott ball to admire the ladies hats. That was rather amusing. Some ladies had made hats the afternoon before and came up with unbelievable creations! Not anything I would be seen in public with – but it was just for the fun of it. We stayed for the dance performance, strolled through a few clubs and ended up in the movie theater.
Today we checked out the professional pictures and selected the ones we liked best.
It was much less windy and we went for a walk again. LAND IN SIGHT!!!! The very southern part of England was visible today. A few other ships joined us as well. Tomorrow morning many passengers get off the ship to either take tours of South Hampton or to complete their journey. We will stay on board since we will be in driving distance and at a later point visit for a few days.

All this delicious food, available around the clock, with a disturbed body clock is very dangerous! Once we arrive I believe we have to tape out mouths shut! Gaining weight is super easy here. The on board gym is always full but I haven’t seen the inside yet.  We just eat, sleep and have fun!
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